Manual of the Medical Department (NAVMED P-117): Chapter 15: Medical Examinations: Introduction

15-2 Responsibility for Prescribing Standards

Department of the Navy
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

(1) Entry standards apply in determining physical qualification for basic service. The Department of Defense (DOD) establishes the standards for entry into military service(DOD Directive 6130.3). The Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV), with the approval of Secretary of the Defense (SECDEF), may issue exceptions to those standards to meet service specific needs.

(2) Mobilization standards for induction of civilians have been established by the joint service directive Army Regulation 601 270/Air Force Regulation 33 7/OPNAVINST 1100.4/MCO P1100.75 series. SECNAV establishes standards for mobilization of members of the inactive Navy and Marine Corps Reserve.

(3) Standards for retention address the ability of a member in the naval service to perform present or expected future duties according to the member's rating, designator, military occupational specialty (MOS), Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC), grade, billet, or office. Active duty members of the naval service not meeting these standards will be referred to a medical board. Policy for disposition of members with physical disabilities is contained in DOD Directive 1332.18, SECNAVINST 1850.4 series, and SECNAVINST 1910.4 series.

(4) Special duty standards are established to determine the physical qualification of members assigned to duties requiring a level or type of physical ability or capacity different from that which is required for general service. It should be noted that a member who does not meet established special duty standards may be physically qualified for general service, i.e., fit for full duty. The standards for special duty are determined by the Secretary of the Navy and are outlined in this chapter and applicable instructions.

(5) For training programs leading to a commission, entry standards apply and more restrictive standards can be imposed to assure qualification at the time of actual commissioning. SECNAV through the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) establish these standards which are contained in applicable instructions.