Manual of the Medical Department (NAVMED P-117): Chapter 15: Medical Examinations: Introduction

15-3 Application of Physical Standards

Department of the Navy
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

(1) To determine whether the member meets the prescribed standards, the member will be medically examined and required to conform to specific physical standards as they apply to the program and grade involved. In applying these basic physical standards, the examiner must consult current directives pertaining to the particular program involved for further orientation in application of policy. Any examinee who does not conform to the standards will be rejected for naval service or special program unless a waiver is obtained (see section V of this chapter).

(2) The total fitness of the examinee will be carefully considered in relation to the character of the duties upon which the examinee may be called to perform. The examiner must appreciate that there are differences in requirements for various programs. The presence of slight defects in older persons may be of less importance than in younger persons and may not necessarily be cause for rejection. Minor physical defects in examinees who have had prior military service may have less significance than in those who have not demonstrated their ability to function satisfactorily under service conditions.