Manual of the Medical Department (NAVMED P-117): Chapter 15: Medical Examinations: Introduction
Department of the Navy
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
(2) After an individual has been enlisted or commissioned, the determination of physically qualified (PQ) or not physically qualified (NPQ) will depend upon the ability of a member to perform the duties of his or her grade or rate and to meet the anticipated requirements of future assignments ashore, at sea, and on foreign shores.
(3) A member is presumed to be PO despite the presence of a condition such as personality disorder, food allergy, insect bite hypersensitivity, somnambulism, enuresis, alcoholism, drug addiction, or exogenous obesity. Under the Disability Evaluation System, members with these conditions are considered fit for duty. However, if it can be clearly shown that such a condition interferes with an individual's ability to function effectively in the naval service, the command may process the member for administrative separation. Additional guidance is provided in the Military Personnel Manual (MILPERSMAN) and applicable Navy or Marine Corps directives.
(4) Members will not be found NPQ due to disabilities that existed prior to entry (EPTE), have remained essentially unchanged, and have not interfered with the performance of duty. However, a member may be found NPQ for special duty status (e.g. flight status) based on disabilities that might interfere with the performance of the special duty or may represent a risk to the individual, his or her shipmates, or the unit's mission. In any event, the appropriateness of initial accession of an individual who did not meet entry standards is not at issue unless the member entered the naval service under fraudulent conditions, in which case he or she may be considered for administrative separation.