Manual of the Medical Department (NAVMED P-117): Chapter 15:
Medical Examinations: Introduction
15-8 Medical History
Department of the Navy
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
(1) To assist the examiner in the examination process and in
application of physical standards, a medical history must be
obtained. During the initial examination, the SF-93 will be completed
by the examinee. Specifics of any hospitalization, e.g. name and
address of the physician, name and location of the hospital, reason
for the admission, and approximate date, will be disclosed. The
examiner will review the completed form and, in block 25, will
sequentially comment on each "yes" response, such that the entry will
be readily understood by subsequent examiners. Examiners must also
note whether the item is considered disqualifying (CD) or not
considered disqualifying (NCD) by entering "CD" or "NCD" after each
(2) On all subsequent physical examinations that require a SF-88,
the SF-93 or NAVMED 6120/2 will be completed by the examinee, but
only significant interval history will necessitate comment by the
examiner. If there has been no medical history of consequence since
the previous SF-93 or NAVMED 6120/2, the examiner may simply note in
block 25: "No Significant Interval History." However, a complete,
detailed SF-93 must accompany all medical examinations forwarded to
higher authority for review.