Manual of the Medical Department (NAVMED P-117): Chapter 15: Medical Examinations: Introduction

15-10 Validity Periods of Medical Examinations

Department of the Navy
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

(1) Unless otherwise specified or compromised by a significant change in the member's physical status, medical examinations conducted for any purpose will be valid for any other purpose until the next routine medical examination.

(a) It more than 90 days has elapsed, the examination must be updated by an interview with a medical officer or credentialed provider. At a minimum, interval history, admissions, any special studies, and health record entries will be reviewed.

(b) If the current examination is of sufficient scope to meet requirements, a statement of the purpose and any significant interim history will be made in block 73 of the SF 88, dated, and signed by a physician.

(c) If the current examination is insufficient in scope, appropriate clinical studies will be conducted to satisfy any additional requirements. Results will be made part of the physician's statement in block 73 of the SF 88

(d) If there is insufficient space in block 73, an addendum SF 88 will be prepared with the following entry made in the bottom margin on the front of the SF 88: Addendum to Medical Examination dated Blocks 1,2,3,5,6,15,77,79 or 80, and 82, along with appropriate blocks for additional information will be completed on the addendum SF 88. Other blocks on the addendum may be left blank. Blocks 5 and 77 must note the purpose of the addendum SF 88.

(e) The addendum SF 88 will be filed directly behind the original SF 88, and the number of sheets, it any, attached to the original will be indicated in the space opposite block 82.

(f) It the previous examination is acceptable to the examiner, the date of the next required routine examination will be based on the date of the original examination.

(2) It necessary, the SF 93 may be updated by entering interval information in block 25. If an addendum SF 93 is required, blocks 1,2,5,6, and 7 individual's signature and date, typed or printed name of the examiner, date and examiner's signature, and appropriate blocks will be completed. Block 5 must note the purpose of the updated examination. The following entry will be made in the bottom margin on the front of the SF 93: Addendum to Medical History dated

(3) Administrative corrections will be made per chapter 16.

(4) Exceptions to the period of validity include former active duty members wishing to reenter naval service within 2 years of separation. A copy of the separation examination must be provided, and a new SF 93 must be completed and reviewed by the examiner.