Manual of the Medical Department (NAVMED P-117): Chapter 15: Medical Examinations: Medical Examinations

15-14 Active Duty Periodic Medical Examinations

Department of the Navy
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

(1) Purpose. To determine physical qualification for retention on active duty and to maintain current medical data regarding physical qualification of personnel.

(2) Scope of Examination. The examination will be conducted at the intervals prescribed in article 15-11 and will be sufficiently thorough to be reasonably certain the member concerned is free of incipient disease or functional impairment (see article 15-5). All positive history and physical findings must be thoroughly evaluated and recorded per articles 15-7 and 15-8.

(3) Flag and General Officers. When an officer is selected to flag or general grade, submit a copy of the officer's entire Health Record to BUMED (MED-25). Submit to MED-25 a copy of the completed periodic SF-88 and SF- 93 on all flag and general officers. On an annual basis, submit a copy of all medical information entered in the officer's Health Record during the previous year. Retain all original Health Record entries and documents in the Health Record. MED-2$ is the sole point of contact for selection boards regarding medical issues.