Manual of the Medical Department (NAVMED P-117): Chapter 15: Medical Examinations: Medical Examinations

15-28 Reserve Navy and Marine Corps Components

Department of the Navy
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

(1) Physical standards and examinations requirements for reservists, active and inactive, are those set forth elsewhere in this chapter and, except for 7(a) and (b) and 8 (a) through (e) of this article, are applicable to:

(a) Accessions.

(b) Special duty assignments.

(c) Training for special programs leading to commissioning or a designator change.

(d) Annual training (AT).

(e) Additional duty for training (ADT).

(f) Extended active duty, voluntary or involuntary.

(2) Complete medical examinations will be conducted on all Navy and Marine Corps reservists following the schedule in article 5-11 and at military medical treatment facilities (MTFs), approved civilian contractor sites, or other non-DoD exam sites approved by the Commander, Naval Reserve Force (COMNAVRESFOR), Force Medical Officer. Examinations will comply with articles 15-6 through 15-8 and will include appropriate studies listed in article 15-9. Under no circumstances shall the term "Facilities Not Available" or the abbreviation "FNA" be used as a substitute for required test results. After review, the MDR will enter, date, and sign the following statement in block 73 of the SF-88:

This physical examination has been administratively

reviewed for completeness and accuracy.

(3) Prompt Identification and timely referral or disability processing of reservists found NPQ is essential to the mission of the Navy and Marine Corps Reserves. It is the responsibility of the medical examiner to determine whether a member is PQ or NPQ during the physical examination process. However, the individual reservists is also responsible for promptly reporting any significant change in his or her physical or emotional status to the MDR or unit commander.

(4) If the medical examiner determines that the member is likely to require repeated or prolonged hospitalization or absence from duty or has a condition that would form the basis of a disability claim under SECNAVINST 1850.4 if ordered to active duty, the member will be found NPQ.

(5) Active Reservists

(a) Periodic Physical Examination. When not on active duty, including AT in excess of 30 days, Navy and Marine Corps Selected Reservists (SELRES) and members of Voluntary Training Units (VTUs) will have complete examinations per article 15-11. Aviation, submarine, diving, and special operations personnel will undergo examinations following the schedule and standards in section IV.

(b) Annual Physical of Physical Condition (NAVMED 6120/3). Between periodic physical examinations, all SELRES and members of VTUs must submit a NAVMED 6120/3 annually for review by the MDR. If a member reports an injury, illness, or emotional disorder that might interfere with the performance of duties or might preclude mobilization, a complete examination must be conducted. Forward copies of the SF-88, SF-93, and pertinent medical records or consultations to BUMED (MED-25) via the cognizant command for review and disposition.

(6) Inactive Reservists

(a) Periodic Medical Examination. All individual ready reservists and standby reservists must have a completed medical examination every 5 years. For identification, enter the word "QUINQUENNIAL" in block 5 of the SF-88 and SF-93 and forward Navy quinquennial examinations to NRPC, Code 4013, New Orleans, LA 70146-5006 and Marine Corps quinquennial examinations to MCRSC, 10950 El Monte St., Overland Park, KS 66211 -1408.

(b) Annual Certificate of Physical Condition (NAVMED 6120/3). Between periodic physical examinations, all individual ready reservists and standby reservists must complete and forward a NAVMED 6120/3 to the appropriate address in article 15-28(6)(a). If information on the NAVMED 6120/3 suggests the possibility that a member may be unfit, NRPC or MCRSC must obtain information needed to determine the member's physical qualification for retention and active duty. Additional tests or consultations may be obtained at MTFs on a space-available, outpatient basis. Private sector studies or evaluations must be obtained at no expense to the Government.

(7) Active Duty for Training 90 Days or Less

(a) A member ordered to active duty for training of less than 90 days is not required to undergo a complete medical examination, if the examination filed in the health record is

valid. A SF-600 entry certifying that the member is PQ for active duty must be made by the MDR. Upon release, the member will date and sign a SF-600 entry certifying that he or she did not incur any disabling injury or illness while on active duty. If found NPQ, the member will be processed following SECNAVINST 1770.3 series.

(b) All Navy and Marine Corps reservists will have a complete medical examination before release from active duty except for members on active duty for training of 90 days or less

(8) Evaluation of Reservists for Retention

(a) If a reservist is found NPQ on physical examination, copies of the SF-88, SF-93, and pertinent medical records or consultations will be sent to BUMED (MED-25) via the cognizant command for review and disposition. Members so found will be placed in Records Review until final disposition of their case. Exceptions are noted in article (8)(f) below. For dental disqualifications refer to article 6-99A.

(b) Outpatient evaluation at MTFs to determine fitness for retention or recall to active duty is authorized if at no expense to the Government. Except for those granted a notice of eligibility (NOE), reservists not on active duty are not eligible for inpatient care in an MTF.

(c) Reservists on active duty for training of 30 days or less and involuntary training of 45 days or less who become disabled from disease or injury will be processed per SECNAVINST 1770.3

(d) If a reservist has a service-incurred or service-aggravated injury or illness related to active duty, a medical board should be convened. In all cases involving illness or injury during periods of training of less than 30 days, the NOE is the only instrument establishing the reservist's entitlement. Navy requests for NOE will be forwarded to COMNAVRESFOR (Code 006), while Marine Corps requests for NOE will be forwarded to the Commandant of the Marine Corps (RAM).

(e) Reservists will maintain, at a minimum, a Class 2 dental status following article 6-99A.

(f) A medical officer may classify a Naval reservist as temporarily not physically qualified (TNPQ) when the member has a physical disqualification of a minor or temporary nature. Reservists placed in this category will have 180 days to correct the disqualifying defect. Nonservice-related conditions will be treated by civilian providers at the members expense. At the end of 180 days, records of treatment will be reviewed by the cognizant medical officer or MDR. If the member is subsequently found not physically qualified, the medical officer must make a health record entry noting that the condition renders the member unfit for retention and mobilization. The member's record will then be forwarded to BUMED for determination per article (8)(a).

(9) Members of the Selected Marine Corps Reserve are ineligible to drill or perform AT in a TNPQ status.

(9) Selected Reserve Affiliations

(a) SELRES and personnel in VTUs are members of the Ready Reserve who have incurred a statutory obligation upon enlistment or commissioning, reenlistment, or extension as a Navy or Marine Corps reservist.

(b) Members must be found PQ for affiliation with and assignment to a SELRES unit or VTU. For affiliation, a separation physical completed within the previous 24 months will suffice. Before being formally affiliated with a SELRES unit or VTU, the member must present a copy of the separation SF-88 and complete a new SF-93 for review and signature by the medical officer. The SF-93 must be signed by a credentialed health care provider prior to SELRES unit or VTU affiliation. In the event a credentialed provider is unavailable, the SF-93 may be signed by the MDR who must first have written authorization from his or her supervising medical officer or unit commander.