Manual of the Medical Department (NAVMED P-117): Chapter 15: Medical Examinations: Medical Examinations
Department of the Navy
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
(a) Routinely record body weight with other vital signs on all SF-600 entries.
(b) Record body weight on the SF-88 when conducting periodic or special medical examinations. Official body fat measurements may be obtained from the member's command and entered in the margin above blocks 55 and 56 of the SF-88.
(c) Evaluate obese members to rule out underlying or associated disease processes and assess the effect of excess body fat on the member's fitness to perform his or her duties.
(d) Recommend weight reduction goals, prescribe diets, and promote appropriate exercise programs.
(e) Provide the unit commander with recommendations for appropriate action based on professional judgment about the likelihood of success in weight reduction and exercise programs.