Manual of the Medical Department (NAVMED P-117): Chapter 15: Medical Examinations: Physical Standards
Department of the Navy
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
(a) Abnormalities which are transient in nature resulting from recent injuries until a period of 3 months has elapsed. These include severe contusions and other wounds of the scalp and cerebral concussion.
(b) Deformities of the skull in the nature of depressions, exostoses, etc., of a degree which would prevent the individual from wearing a gas mask or military headgear.
(c) Deformities of the skull of any degree associated with evidence of disease of the brain, spinal cord, or peripheral nerves.
(d) Depressed fractures with or without seizures.
(e) Loss or congenital absence of the bony substance of the skull not successfully corrected by reconstructive material:
- (1) All cases involving absence of the bony substance of the skull which have been corrected but in which the defect is in excess of 1 square inch will be referred to BUMED (MED-25) together with a consultation report.
- (2) The consultation report will include an evaluation of any evidence of alteration of brain function in any of its several spheres, i.e., intelligence, judgment, perception, perception, behavior, motor control, and sensory function as well as any evidence of active bone disease or other related complications. Current x-rays and other pertinent laboratory data will accompany such a consultation report.
(f) Ulcerations, fistulae, atrophy, or paralysis of pan of the face or head.