Manual of the Medical Department (NAVMED P-117): Chapter 15: Medical Examinations: Physical Standards

15-45 Abdominal Organs and Gastrointestinal System

Department of the Navy
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

(1) The causes for rejection are:

(a) Bib duct abnormalities or strictures.

(b) Cholecystectomy, sequelae of, such as postoperative stricture of the common bile duct, reforming of stones in hepatic a common bile ducts, w incisional hernia, or post cholecystectomy syndrome when symptoms are so severe as to interfere with normal performance of duty.

(c) Cholecystitis, acute or chronic, with or without cholelithiasis.

(d) Cirrhosis regardless of the absence of manifestations such as jaundice, ascites, or known esophageal varices.

(e) Abnormal liver function tests with w without history of chronic alcoholism.

(f) Fistula in anno.

(g) Gastritis, chronic hypotrophic.

(h) Hemorrhoids:

(1) External hemorrhoids producing marked symptoms.
(2) Internal hemorrhoids, if large or accompanied with hemorrhage or protruding intermittently w constantly.

(i) Hepatitis within the preceding 6 months, or persistence of symptoms after a reasonable period of time with objective evidence of impairment of liver function.

(j) Hernia,

(1) Hernia other than small asymptomatic umbilical or hiatal.
(2) History of operation for hernia within the preced ing 60 days.

(k) Incontinence.

(l) Intestinal obstruction w authenticated history of more than one episode, if either occurred during the preceding 5 years w a resulting condition remains which produces significant symptoms or requires treatment.

(m) Anorectal strictures.

(n) Megacolon of more than minimal degree, w diverticulitis.

(o) Regional enteritis, and ulcerative colitis or history

(p) Irritable colon of more than moderate degree. History of chronic diarrhea.

(q) Pancreas, acute a chronic disease of.

(r) Rectum, stricture or prolapse of.

(s) Resection, gastric or bowel; gastroenterostomy, however minimal; intestinal resection in infancy or childhood (for example, for intussusception a pyloric stenosis) is acceptable it the individual has been asymptomatic since the resection and if surgical consultation (to include upper and lower gastrointestinal series) gives complete clearance.

(t) Scars

(1) Scars, abdominal, regardless of cause, which show hernial bulging or which interfere with movements.
(2) Scar pain associated with disturbance of function of abdominal wall w contained viscera.

(u) Sinuses of the abdominal wall.

(v) Splenectomy, by any cause.

(w) Symptomatic rectocele a anal fissure.

(x) Tumors.

(y) Ulcer

(1) Ulcer of the stomach or duodenum if diagnosis is confirmed by x-ray a endoscopic examination, or authenticated history thereof.
(2) Authentic history of surgical operations for gastric a duodenal ulcer.

(z) Other congenital or acquired abnormalities, e.g., GI bypass, stomach stapling, vertical bonding gastroplasty, for control of morbid obesity and defects which preclude satisfactory performance of military duty or which require frequent and prolonged treatment.