Manual of the Medical Department (NAVMED P-117): Chapter 15: Medical Examinations: Physical Standards

15-47 Genitalia

Department of the Navy
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

(1 ) The cause for rejection are:
(a) Bartholinitis, Bartholin's cyst.
(b) Cervicitis, acute or chronic manifested by leukorrhea.
(c) Dysmenorrhea, incapacitating to a degree which necessitates recurrent absences of more than a few hours from routine activities
(d) Endometriosis, unless surgically eradicated or controlled with medication.
(e) Hermaphroditism.
(f) Menopausal syndrome, either physiologic or artificial if manifested by more than mild constitutional a mental symptom, or artificial menopause it less than 13 months have elapsed since cessation of menses. In all cases of an artificial menopause, the clinical diagnosis will be reported; it accomplished by surgery, the pathologic report will be obtained and recorded.
(g) Menstrual cycle, irregularities of, including menorrhagia, it excessive; metrorrhagia; polymenorrhea; amenorrhea, except as noted above.
(h) New growths of the internal or external genitalia except single uterine fibroid, subserous, asymptomatic, less than 3 centimeters in diameter, with no general enlargement of the uterus.
(i) Oophoritis, acute a chronic.
(j) Ovarian cysts, persistent and considered to be of clinical significance.
(k) Pregnancy.
(l) Salpingitis, acute or chronic.
(m) Testicles
(1) Absence of both testicles.
(2) Undiagnosed enlargement a mass of testicle
(3) Undescended testicle(s).
(n) Uterus
(1) Cervical polyps, cervical ulcer, or marked erosion
(2) Endocervicitis, more than mild.
(3) Generalized enlargement of the uterus due to any cause.
(4) Malposition of the uterus if more than mildly symptomatic.
(5) PAP smears graded 2 through 4. Class 2 smears are acceptable if the diagnosis is benign.
(o) Vagina
(1) Congenital abnormalities or severe lacerations of the vagina.
(2) Vaginitis, acute or chronic, manifested by leu korrhea.
(p) Varicocele or hydrocele, if large or painful or any right varicocele unless urological evaluation reveals no disease.
(q) Vulva
(1) Leukoplakia.
(2) Vulvitis, acute or chronic.
(r) Major abnormalities and defects of the genitalia such as a change of sex, a history thereof, or dysfunctional residual from surgical correction of these conditions.