Manual of the Medical Department (NAVMED P-117): Chapter 15:
Medical Examinations: Physical Standards
15-47 Genitalia
Department of the Navy
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
(1 ) The cause for rejection are:
- (a) Bartholinitis, Bartholin's cyst.
- (b) Cervicitis, acute or chronic manifested by leukorrhea.
- (c) Dysmenorrhea, incapacitating to a degree which
necessitates recurrent absences of more than a few hours from
routine activities
- (d) Endometriosis, unless surgically eradicated or controlled
with medication.
- (e) Hermaphroditism.
- (f) Menopausal syndrome, either physiologic or artificial if
manifested by more than mild constitutional a mental symptom, or
artificial menopause it less than 13 months have elapsed since
cessation of menses. In all cases of an artificial menopause, the
clinical diagnosis will be reported; it accomplished by surgery,
the pathologic report will be obtained and recorded.
- (g) Menstrual cycle, irregularities of, including menorrhagia,
it excessive; metrorrhagia; polymenorrhea; amenorrhea, except as
noted above.
- (h) New growths of the internal or external genitalia except
single uterine fibroid, subserous, asymptomatic, less than 3
centimeters in diameter, with no general enlargement of the
- (i) Oophoritis, acute a chronic.
- (j) Ovarian cysts, persistent and considered to be of clinical
- (k) Pregnancy.
- (l) Salpingitis, acute or chronic.
- (m) Testicles
- (1) Absence of both testicles.
- (2) Undiagnosed enlargement a mass of testicle
- (3) Undescended testicle(s).
- (n) Uterus
- (1) Cervical polyps, cervical ulcer, or marked erosion
- (2) Endocervicitis, more than mild.
- (3) Generalized enlargement of the uterus due to any cause.
- (4) Malposition of the uterus if more than mildly
- (5) PAP smears graded 2 through 4. Class 2 smears are
acceptable if the diagnosis is benign.
- (o) Vagina
- (1) Congenital abnormalities or severe lacerations of the
- (2) Vaginitis, acute or chronic, manifested by leu korrhea.
- (p) Varicocele or hydrocele, if large or painful or any right
varicocele unless urological evaluation reveals no disease.
- (q) Vulva
- (1) Leukoplakia.
- (2) Vulvitis, acute or chronic.
- (r) Major abnormalities and defects of the genitalia such as a
change of sex, a history thereof, or dysfunctional residual from
surgical correction of these conditions.