Manual of the Medical Department (NAVMED P-117): Chapter 15:
Medical Examinations: Physical Standards
15-55 Dental
Department of the Navy
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
(1) The causes for rejection are:
- (a) Diseases or abnormalities of the jaws or associated
tissues which are not easily remediable and which will
incapacitate the individual or prevent the satisfactory
performance of military duty.
- (b) Malocclusion, severe, which interferes with the
mastication w a normal diet.
- (c) Oral tissues, extensive loss of, in an amount that would
prevent replacement of missing teeth with a satisfactory
prosthetic appliance.
- (d) Orthodontic Appliances. Individuals who have orthodontic
appliances and who are under active treatment are administratively
unacceptable for enlistment w induction in the active or Reserve
components of the Navy and Marine Corps. Individuals undergoing
orthodontic we are acceptable fa enlistment in the Delayed Entry
Program or a Reserve Component of the Navy and Marine Corps only
if a civilian or a military orthodontist provides documentation
that active orthodontic treatment will have been completed prior
to entry on initial active duty fa training or active duty.
Individuals with retainer orthodontic appliances who are not
required to undergo active treatment are administratively
acceptable for enlistment, commissioning, initial active duty fa
training, w active duty status.
- (e) Relationship between the mandible and maxilla of such a
nature as to preclude future satisfactory prosthodontia