Manual of the Medical Department (NAVMED P-117): Chapter 15:
Medical Examinations: Physical Standards
15-56 Blood and Blood Forming Tissue Diseases
Department of the Navy
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
(1) The causes for rejection are:
- (a) Anemia:
- (1) Blood loss anemia until both anemia and cause are
- (2) Deficiency anemia, not controlled by medica
- (3) Abnormal destruction of RBC'S: Hemolytic ane
- (4) Faulty RBC morphology Hereditary hemolytic anemia,
thalassemia, and sickle cell anemia.
- (5) Sickle cell trait if HbS is greater than HbA
- electrophoresis determination.
- (6) Myelophthisic anemia: Myelomatosis, leukemia, Hodgkin's
- (7) Primary refractory anemia: Aplastic anemia, DI
Guglielmo's syndrome.
- (b) Hemorrhagic states:
- (1) Due to changes in coagulation system (hemophilia,
- (2) Due to vascular instability.
- (3) Due to quantitative a qualitative platelet deficiency:
- (c) Leukopenia, chronic or recurrent associated with
increased susceptibility to infection.
- (d) Myeloproliferative disease (other than leukemia):
- (1) Myelofibrosis.
- (2) Megacaryocytic myelosis.
- (3) Polycythemia vera.
- (e) Splenomegaly until the cause is remedied.
- (f) Thromboembolic disease except for acute, nonre current
- (g) Immunodeficiency diseases.