Manual of the Medical Department (NAVMED P-117): Chapter 15:
Medical Examinations: Special Duty
15-71A Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC) Crew Medical Standards
Department of the Navy
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
(1) Purpose. To select for LCAC crew duty only those
individuals who are physically and mentally qualified for that duty
and to exclude those who may become unfit because of preexisting
physical or mental detect.
(2) General. LCAC crew personnel include all individuals
who, in the performance of their duties, are required to make
operational w training missions aboard LCAC or any other U.S. Navy
air cushion vehicle. LCAC crew personnel are divided into three
- (a) Class I. Crew personnel engaged in the actual
control of the LCAC, which includes the craft master and engineer,
as well as the student craft master and the student engineer.
- (b) Class IA. Crew personnel engaged in navigation of
the LCAC, but not responsible for actual control of the craft, to
include the navigator and student navigator.
- (c) Class II Crew personnel not engaged in the actual
control of the LCAC, which includes load master, and deck
mechanic, as well as student bad master, and student deck
(3) Scope of Examination. Class I and Class IA LCAC crew
candidates must meet the standards in article 1571A(5) and (6). Class
II LCAC crew candidates must meet the standards in articles 15 71A
(7). Conditions listed as disqualifying (see art. 15 71A(5), (6), and
(7)) may be waived. However, additional medical tests, consultations,
etc. are necessary in to confirm that no functional impairment is
present w likely to occur (see art. 15 71A(9)).
(4) Examination Requirements
- (a) Class I (Craftmaster, Engineer) Candidates. All
Class I LCAC crew candidates will undergo an entrance physical
examination at the designated LCAC medical examination center, the
NAVAEROSPMEDINST (NAMI Code 26 before acceptance into Phase I of
the LCAC training program. An SF 88 and SF 93 must be completed
for all LCAC crew physical examinations. Class I candidates
require psychomotor testing in addition to a physical examination.
These psychomotor examinations will be performed in addition to
the entrance physical examination at NAMI (Code 26). Candidates
will be designated either:
- (1) Physically qualified (PQ).
- (2) Not physically qualified (NPQ).
- (3) NPQ but waiver recommended.
- (b) Class IA (Navigator) Candidates. All Class IA LCAC
crew candidates will undergo an entrance physical examination at a
sufficiently equipped military medical facility before acceptance
into Phase I of the LCAC training program. An SF 88 and SF 93 must
be completed for all LCAC crew physical examinations. Candidates
will be designated either:
- (1) Physically qualified (PQ).
- (2) Not physically qualified (NPO).
- (3) NPQ but waiver recommended.
- (c) Class II (Loadmaster, Deck Mechanic) Candidates.
Candidates for Class II LCAC crew training must meet current
medical standards for transfer and sea duty following the Enlisted
Transfer Manual (ETM).
(5) Class I (Craftmaster, Engineer) LCAC Crew Candidate
Physical Examination and Standards
- (a) General Examination. Except as modified by this
article, the bask physical examination and standards for
acceptance as an LCAC crew candidate are the same as those for
- (b) Additional Standards. In addition to general
enlistment standards, presence or history of any of the following
will be considered disqualifying for all LCAC duties, unless
waived by proper authority (see an. 15 71A(9)).
- (1) Ears, Nose, and Throat (ENT)
- (a) Seasonal allergic rhinitis requiring medication or
allergy immunotherapy for control.
- (b) Recurrent attacks of vertigo (no waiver).
- (c) Chronic or recurrent otitis externa or media.
- (2) Eyes. Any ophthalmologic disorder that causes or
that may progress to significantly degraded visual acuity.
- (3) Lungs and Chest Wall. Recurrent spontaneous
- (4) Heart and Vascular
- (a) History of cardiac surgery.
- (b) Paroxysmal tachycardia or history thereof.
- (c) Ventricular tachycardia.
- (5) Abdominal Organs and Gastrointestinal (GI)
- (a) Peptic ulcer, gastric ulcer, or history thereof.
- (b) Gastrointestinal hemorrhage or history
- (c) Cholelithiasis.
- (6) Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders. Hypoglycemia
or history of any postprandial symptoms resembling those of
postprandial syndrome (e.g., postprandial tachycardia,
sweating, fatigue, or change in mentation).
- (7) Genitalia and Genitourinary (GU) System.
Recurrent renal calculus or a single episode of renal
calculus with demonstrated structural abnormality or metabolic
abnormality unresponsive to dietary therapy. A renal
stone/metabolic workup must be performed if a history is given
of a single prior episode of renal calculus with no other
complicating factors.
- (8) Extremities. Instability or restricted range of
motion of the upper or lower extremities that could interfere
with normal operation of foot pedals or ability to function in
the LCAC environment.
- (9) Spine
- (a) Chronic or disabling back pain or history thereof.
- (b) Herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP) or history thereof.
- (c) Scoliosis with greater than 30 degrees thoracic or
20 degrees lumbar curvature.
- (10) Neural Disorders
- (a) History of unexplained or recurrent syncope.
- (b) History of convulsive seizures of any type (except
single simple seizure associated with febrile illness before
age 5).
- (c) Narcolepsy or history thereof.
- (d) Any complicated head injury as outlined in section
II of this chapter, including history of posttraumatic
unconsciousness of 24 hours or more in duration,
posttraumatic amnesia, penetrating head injury, or impaired
judgment for 48 or more hours after injury.
- (e) Encephalitis occurring 3 years or less prior to
examination, meningitis occurring within 1 year of
examination, or either disease resulting in neurological
sequelae or abnormal neurologic examination.
- (f) History of recurrent, incapacitating headache or
facial pain or any headache associated with impairment of
motor, sensory, visual, or other neurologic function.
- (11) Psychiatric
- (a) Any history of psychosis, eating disorder, or AXIS
II disorder of the DSM IIIR must be disqualifying (no
- (b) Other major AXIS I disorders including mood,
anxiety, and somatoform disorders must be considered
disqualifying but waiverable if the individual has been
symptom free without treatment for at least 1 year.
- (c) Alcohol or drug abuse disqualifying. Upon
satisfactory completion of accepted substance abuse program
and total compliance with aftercare program, a waiver may be
considered providing 1 year has elapsed post treatment.
Continuation of a waiver would be contingent upon continued
compliance with aftercare program as well as total
- (d) Any evidence of anticipated poor adaptability to
LCAC duty conditions (claustrophobia, questionable judgment
or affect, or poor stress coping skills) is considered
disqualifying and requires a psychiatric consultation to
consider waiver.
- (12) Systemic Disease and Miscellaneous Conditions
- (a) Motion sickness, severe or incapacitating or history
- (b) Recurrent or chronic joint pain or swelling or
diagnosed arthritis.
- (c) History of heat pyrexia (heat stroke), or documented
predisposition to this condition (including disorders of
sweat mechanism), or any history of malignant hyperthermia.
- (c) Clarification of Procedure and Standards.
- (1) General Fitness/Medications. A notation will be
recorded on the SF-88 and SF 93 for individuals receiving
medications on a regular basis or within 24 hours of the LCAC
examination. In general, individuals requiring medications or
whose general fitness might affect their LCAC control
proficiency shall not be found qualified for duty aboard the
LCAC. Record in box 77 of the individual's SF 88 (e.g., NPQ
LCAC Duty).
- (2) Height and Weight. All candidates will meet
acceptable body fat percentages as per OPNAVINST 6110.1 series.
The maximum acceptable body fat percentages for males is Z
percent and for females is 30 percent.
- (3) Cardiovascular System. History or presence of
cardiac arrhythmia, heart murmur, or other evidence of cardiac
abnormality is cause for medical referral for clearance for
LCAC duty.
- (4) Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate
- (a) Blood Pressure. Blood pressure is determined
first after the examinee has been supine for at least 5
minutes and second after standing motionless for 3 minutes.
A persistent systolic blood pressure of 140 mm or more is
disqualifying, and a persistent diastolic blood pressure of
90 mm or more is disqualifying.
- (b) Pulse Rate. Pulse rate is determined first
after the examinee has been recumbent at least 5 minutes and
second after standing motionless for 3 minutes (both
determinations to coincide with the measurement of blood
pressure). An ECG must be obtained in the presence of a
relevant history, arrhythmia, or pulse of less than 50 or
greater than 110. Resting poise shall not persistently
exceed 100; standing pulse shall not exceed 110.
- (5) Electrocardiogram (ECG). All candidates must
have a 1 2 lead standard ECG performed at the time of their
entrance physical examination. The baseline ECG must be marked
Not To Be Removed From Health Record and must be retained in
the individual's health record until that record is permanently
closed. Each baseline ECG, or copy thereof, shall bear adequate
identification data including the individual's full name, grade
or rate, social security number, and designator.
- (6) Teeth
- (a) Dental Class 1 and Class 2 are considered as
- (b) If a candidate is dental Class 3 due only to
periodontal status not requiring surgery, the candidate will
be accepted as qualified after obtaining a dental waiver.
- (7) Articulation. Candidates must speak clearly and
distinctly without accent or impediment of speech that would
interfere with radio conversation. Use the Read Aloud Test in
art. 15 23 for this determination.
- (8) Mental Naval Review. A mental health review
covering the psychiatric items in art. 15 71A(5)(b)(11) and any
other pertinent personal history items must be conducted by the
medical officer responsible for that candidate's physical
examination. A psychiatric referral is not required to obtain
this history. This general mental health review will determine
the individual's bask stability, motivation, and capacity to
maintain acceptable performance under the special stresses
encountered during LCAC operation.
- (9) Neurological Examination. A careful and complete
neurological examination must be made. Any neurologic defect
which may interfere with LCAC duty requires a neurology
- (10) Distant Visual Acuity. For the entrance
physical examination, determine visual acuity by using a
20-foot eye lane with standard Goodlite letters. The Armed
Forces Vision Tester (AFVT) is an alternate acceptable method.
If corrective lenses are necessary for LCAC duty, the LCAC crew
personnel must be issued the approved lens hardened eye glasses
for proper interface with operational headgear (i.e., aviation
frames). A spare pair of corrective lenses must be carried at
all times during operations. For Class I person nel, minimum
distant visual acuity must be no less than 20/100 uncorrected
each eye and correctable to 20/20 each eye. H correction is
necessary for LCAC personnel, corrective lenses must be wan at
all times during LCAC operation.
- (11) Near Visual Acuity. The AFVT or the near vision
testing card must be used to test near vision. A minimum near
vision acuity of 20/20 in each eye, correctable to 20Q0, is
acceptable. H correction is necessary, corrective lenses must
be worn at all times during LCAC operations.
- (12) Radiation. Refraction of the eyes must be
required on the initial candidate screening examination if the
candidate requires corrective lenses to meet the visual acuity
standards. For Class I personnel, acceptable limits are +5.5D
in any meridian. The difference in the refractive errors in any
meridian of the two eyes (anisometropia) may not exceed 3.5D.
Cylinder correction may not exceed 3.0D.
- (13) Depth Perception. This test should be performed
using a Verhoeff stereopter. Pass Fail standards per art. 15 65
(7) must be followed. Normal depth perception is acceptable
(aided or unaided). H visual correction is necessary for normal
depth perception, corrective lenses must be worn at all times
during LCAC operation.
- (14) Oculomotor Balance. The vertical and lateral
phorias may be tested with the phorometer a with the AFVT. Any
lateral phoria greater than 10 prism diopters is disqualifying
(greater than 6 prism diopters requires an ophthalmologic
consultation). Any vertical phoria greater than 1.5 prism
diopters is disqualifying (any vertical phoria greater than 1.0
prism diopters should receive an ophthalmologic consultation).
- (15) Inspection of the Eyes. Follow art. 15-65(7).
The examination must include a funduscopic examination. Any
pathological condition that might become worse or interfere
with the proper functioning of the eyes under fatigue or LCAC
operating conditions shall disqualify the candidate.
- (16) Color Vision. Class I crew personnel must pass
the Farnsworth Lantern Test.
- (17) Night Vision. Any indication or history of
night blindness disqualifies the candidate due to the
importance of night vision to LCAC operations.
- (18) Field of Vision. Normal fields should be full
to confrontation, see art. 15 40. Any visual field detect
should receive ophthalmologic referral to rub out underlying
- (19) Intraocular Tension. Schiotz, noncontact ("air
puff"), or applanation tonometry must be used to measure
intraocular tension. Tonometric readings consistently above 20
mm Hg Schiotz in either eye, or a difference of 5 mm Hg Schiotz
between the two eyes, should receive an ophthalmologic referral
for further evaluation. This condition is disqualifying until
ophthalmologic evaluation has been completed. Subsequent
medical clearance is based on said ophthalmologic evaluation.
- (20) Ears. Follow article 15 39(1). General
enlistment standards in article 15 39 are accepted as candidate
standards, with the exception of audiometric standards. Any
disqualifying acute ear disease a disorder by those standards
disqualifies the candidate.
- (21) Hearing Tests. An audiogram is required for all
LCAC Class I candidates. An audiogram will also be performed
within 90 days of reporting to the assigned assault craft unit,
and annually thereafter. Audiometric loss in excess of the
following limits for each frequency disqualifies the candidate.
Maximum Hearing Loss (ANSI 1969)
Freq (Hz)
Better Ear (dB)
Worse Ear (dB)
- 500
- 1000
- 2000
- 35
- 30
- 30
- 35
- 50
- 50
- (22) Equilibrium. Use the self-balancing test (SBT).
The examinee stands erect, without shoes, with heels and large
toes touching. The examinee then flexes one knee to a right angle,
closes the eyes, then attempts to maintain this position fa 15
seconds. The results of the test are recorded as "steady," "fairly
steady," "unsteady," or "failed." Inability to pass this test fa
satisfactory equilibrium disqualifies the candidate.
(6) Class IA (Navigator) Candidate Physical Examination and
- (a) General Examination. Except as modified by this
article, the basic physical examination and basic physical
standards for acceptance as an LCAC crew candidate are the same as
those prescribed for enlistment.
- (b) Additional Standards for Class IA personnel. The
additional physical standards required for Class I personnel are
also required for Class IA. The following exceptions apply:
- (1) As stated in article 15 71A(4)(b), the entrance
physical examinations for Class IA personnel may be performed
at any sufficiently equipped and staffed military medical
facility, and are not limited to designated LCAC medical
examination centers.
- (2) Psychomotor testing is not required for Class IA crew
- (3) Distant Visual Acuity: Minimal uncorrected distant
visual acuity for Class IA personnel must be no less than
20/200 each eye, correctable to 20/20. If correction is
necessary, corrective lenses must be worn at all times during
LCAC operations.
(7) Class II (Loadmaster, Deck Mechanic) Candidate Physical
Examination and Standards. The basic physical examination
standards for enlistment are acceptable for Class II LCAC crew
candidates. However, each LCAC crew candidate must have a current
(within 5 years) physical examination on record and the candidate
must meet the physical requirements for general duty. The presence or
history of any medical problems will be considered disqualifying for
Class II LCAC duties, unless waived by proper authority (see art. 15
(8) Development of Mandatory Requirements for LCAC Crew Members
Who Have Been Medically Suspended From LCAC Duty
- (a) There are currently no standards regarding LCAC crew
members medically suspended for an extended period from LCAC
operations to (1) declare them NPQ from LCAC duty or (2) to make
it mandatory for that member to request a medical waiver for the
condition causing prior suspension.
- (b) Recommend setting 30 days as a time limit for limited or
medically restricted duty after which the crew member must be
evaluated by a medical officer to determine whether that
individual is NPQ for LCAC duty, should be recommended for a
medical waiver (see art. 15 71A(9)), or should undergo a medical
(9) Medical Waiver Requests
- (a) Class I LCAC Crew Candidates. Forward medical
waiver requests for Class I crew candidates to the Bureau of Naval
Personnel (PERS 409C) from the Naval Aerospace Medical Institute
(NAMI, Code 26). A copy of all approved waivers must be sent from
PERS 409C to NAMI (Code 26) for archival purposes.
- (b) Class IA & II LCAC Crew Candidates. Forward
medical waiver requests for Class IA and Class II crew candidates
to PERS 409C via the TYCOM medical officer. A copy of Class IA and
Class II approved waivers must be sent from PERS 409C to NAMI
(Code 26) for archival purposes.
- (c) Medically suspended LCAC Crew Personnel. Forward
medical waiver requests for LCAC crew personnel who are medically
suspended to the TYCOM medical officer via the chain of command.
The TYCOM medical officer must evaluate and approve medical waiver
requests for designated LCAC crew personnel (as opposed to LCAC
crew candidates). A copy of the TYCOM medical officer's final
decision, either an approval or disapproval, concerning the waiver
request will be forwarded to NAMI (Code 26) for archival purposes.
(10) Periodic Physical Examinations
- (a) All LCAC Class I and Class IA crew personnel will undergo
a complete physical examination (using SF 88 and SF 93) within 30
days of the anniversary of their birth at ages 21,24, 27, 30, 33,
36, and 39 and annually thereafter.
- (b) All LCAC Class II personnel will undergo a complete
physical examination within 30 days of the anniversary of their
birth every 5 years.
(11) Reporting Attrition of LCAC Crew Personnel. Critical
to the evolution of the LCAC crew evaluation process is the
development of accurate personnel data bases, in particular,
attrition of LCAC crew personnel. Therefore, all such attritions,
medical and nonmedical, are to be reported to NAMI (Code 26) for
archival purposes.