Manual of the Medical Department (NAVMED P-117): Chapter 15: Medical Examinations: Physical Defects and Waivers

15-75 Special Examination Requirements

Department of the Navy
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

(1) All naval medical examining facilities and examiners are directed to ensure that SF-88s and SF-93s are complete and contain an adequate evaluation of each defect noted, prior to submission of the reports to responsible reviewing authorities. This must include current consultations, laboratory, reports, tissue reports, narrative summaries, operation reports, interval and summary, physician reports, and medical boards.

(2) This article establishes guidelines relative to the additional medical information often required in connection with the medical examination.

(3) The following conditions, defects, and items of personal history, will be thoroughly evaluated as indicated below.

ALBUMINURIA A 24-hour urine tested fu albumin. Report positive findings of albumin in mg percent.

AMPUTATION. Submit photographs and current orthopedic consultation demonstrating adequate functional capacity.

REACTIVE AIRWAY DISEASE (ASTHMA). Subsequent to age 12. Detailed report of reactive airway disease (asthma) and other atopic and allergic conditions of the examinee and their family and a statement from examiner on (1) number and approximate dates of attacks of bronchospasm or other allergic manifestations; (2) signs, symptoms, and duration of each attack; and (3) type and amount of bronco dilating drugs used. Submit with PFT before, during, and after exercise, without use of bronchodilator.

BACKACHE Back injury or wearing of back brace. Current orthopedic consultation and report on strength, stability, mobility, and functional capacity of back. Report of appropriate x-rays to be accomplished by a qualified physician. Transcript of any treatment from cognizant physician.

BLOOD PRESSURE or PULSE ABNORMALITY. Repeated pulse and blood pressure (sitting position) readings in the a.m. and p.m. for 3-5 days without prolonged rest or any sedation. Completion of all sections of SF-88 items 57 and 58.


CONVULSIONS/SEIZURES, history of. Neurological consultation and electroencephalogram plus a transcript of any treatment from cognizant physician.

DIZZINESS or FAINTING SPELLS. Neurological consultation.

ENURESIS, after age 12. Comment on applicant's affirmative reply to question bed wetting to include number of incidents and age at last episode plus a detailed report of consultation by a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist for evaluation of maturity, emotional stability, and suitability for service.

ELEVATED BLOOD SUGAR. Daily fasting blood sugar for 3 days.

FLATFOOT, symptomatic. Current orthopedic or surgical consultation with detailed report on strength, stability, mobility, and functional capacity of foot. Report of appropriate x-rays are to be evaluated by a qualified physician. Current level of physical activity must be commented on.

GLAUCOMA. Current ophthalmology consultation to include tonometry and field of vision.

GLYCOSURIA See elevated blood sugar.

HAY FEVER. Detailed report of hay fever and other allergic conditions and a statement from the cognizant personal physician on (1) number, severity, and duration of attacks of hay fever or any other allergic manifestations, and (2) type and amount of drugs used in treatment thereof.

HEADACHES, frequent or severe. Neurological consultation.

HEAD INJURY, with loss of consciousness in past 5 years. Electroencephalogram, neurological consultation and clinical abstract of treatment from cognizant physician.

HEARING LOSS. Obtain ENT consult and a post 1-week noise free audiogram.

HEMATURIA. Medical consultation with evaluation report including appropriate laboratory studies and complete urological evaluation if examining physician believes it is indicated.

HEPATITIS. Internal medicine consultation.

JAUNDICE, in past 5 years. Serum bilirubin and liver function study.

JOINT, KNEE, internal derangement. Current orthopedic consultation and report on strength, stability, mobility, and functional capacity of knee. Report of appropriate x-rays, together with comparative measurement of the thighs, knees, and legs, to be accomplished by a qualified physician. And, if surgically corrected, operative report and narrative summary.

JOINT, SHOULDER, dislocation. Current orthopedic consultation and report on strength, stability mobility, and functional capacity of shoulder. Report of appropriate x-rays. And if surgically corrected, operative report and narrative summary.

MALOCCLUSION, TEETH. Report of examination by a dentist with comment as to whether incisal and masticatory function is sufficient for satisfactory ingestion of the ordinary diet, and statement as to presence and degree of facial deformity with jaw in natural position.

MASTOIDECTOMY. Current ENT consultation to include audiogram and operative report and narrative summary.

MOTION SICKNESS. Detailed report of all occurrences of motion sickness (such as air, train, sea, swing, carnival ride), and the age at time of last occurrence and degree of exposure since.

NASAL POLYPS. ENT consultation, with comment as to date polyps removed if no longer present. Detailed report by cognizant physician on allergic history, manifestations, and required medication.

NEUROPSYCHIATRIC. Attempted suicide, loss of memory, amnesia, frequent trouble sleeping, depression, excessive worry, nervous trouble of any sort. A detailed report of consultation by psychiatrist for evaluation of maturity, emotional stability, and suitability for service.

SKULL FRACTURE, in past 5 years. See HEAD INJURY.

SLEEPWALKING, after age 12. Detailed comment by physician. Comment on applicant's affirmative reply to question "been a sleepwalker" to include number of incidents and age at last episode and a detailed report of consultation by psychiatrist for evaluation of maturity, emotional stability, and suitability for service.

SQUINT. Examination for degree of strabismus and presence of complete and continuous 3 dimensional degree binocular fusion. Request completion of SF-88 items 62 and 65 and notation of degree of strabismus.

STUTTERING or STAMMERING. Report of reading aloud test and a detailed report of consultation by psychiatrist for evaluation of maturity, emotional stability, and suitability for service.


URINARY TRACT STONES. Nephrology or urology consultation including a determination of etiology and composition of stone and any pertinent predisposing factors.

VERTEBRA, fracture or dislocation. Current orthopedic consultation and report on strength, stability, mobility, and functional capacity of spine. Report of appropriate x-rays to be accomplished by a qualified physician.