Global Library of Womens Medicine

Bartholin Cyst Drainage

Mike Hughey, MD

The Bartholin Glands are located on each side of the vaginal opening. Normally, they cannot be seen or palpated. If enlarged, due to a cyst or abscess, they can be easily identified.

They should not be confused with epithelial inclusion cysts, periclitoral abscess, vulvar hematoma or lymphogranuloma venereum.

To drain a Bartholin cyst, start by stabilizing the cyst with thumb and forefinger. After antiseptic preparation, infiltrate the skin with a local anesthetic.

From the medial surface, direct a small scalpel straight into the center of the cyst and allow the contents to drain.

This new drainage tract may be simply left open.

To reduce the risk of re-formation, the drainage tract may be sewn open in a marsupialization procedure. Some physicians insert a Word catheter for several days to encourage the new drainage tract to remain open.

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