Operational Medicine Medical Education and Training

Advancement Handbook for Hospital Corpsmen


The purpose of the Advancement Handbook is to assist Hospital Corpsman in studying for Navywide advancement-in-rating examinations. The bibliographies (BIBs) together with this handbook form a comprehensive examination study package. Since this handbook provides skill and knowledge components for each paygrade of the HM rating, it helps focus study on those areas that will be tested. This feature ensures Sailors will get the most out of their study time.

Each page in Parts 1 through 5 of this Advancement Handbook presents general skill areas, specific skill areas, the knowledge factors associated with each skill area, the pertinent references required to perform each skill, and the types of subject areas you can expect on the examination. Since it would be impractical to test all the tasks that a person in the HM rating is required to perform, you should use this guide as just part of a comprehensive training program.

Part 5 of this guide presents a section of information on the Navy enlisted advancement system (NEAS). The NEAS information covers advancement examination preparation, taking the exam, how exams are scored, how candidates are informed about their standings on exams taken, the final multiple system, when candidates are advanced, and a host of other advancement information useful to all enlisted personnel.

Remember that advancement competition is keen, so your keys to advancement include not only comprehensive advancement examination study but also sustained superior performance.



1 Advancement Handbook for HM3

2 Advancement Handbook for HM2

3 Advancement Handbook for HM1

4 Advancement Handbook for HMC

Appendix 1 References Used in This Advancement Handbook


July 2002 Edition
Published by Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center


127 Pages
0.5 MB pdf
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