Field Medical Training Battalion
Camp Lejeune
Manage Burn Casualties
Given a burn casualty in a combat environment and
standard medical equipment and supplies, manage burn casualties, to prevent
further injury or death. (FMST-HSS-1402)
Without the aid of references, given a description
or list, identify the different types of burns, per the student handout.
Without the aid of references, given a description
or list, identify the degree of burns, per the student handout. (FMST-HSS-1402b)
Without the aid of references, given a description,
using the “Rule of Nines,” determine the percent of body surface area burned,
per the student handout. (FMST-HSS-1402c)
Without the aid of references, given a list of
symptoms, identify the classification of burns, per the student handout.
Without the aid of references, given a simulated
burn casualty, identify the appropriate treatment, per the student handout.
Without the aid of references, given a simulated
burn casualty and standard field medical equipment and supplies, manage the
casualty, per the student handout. (FMST-HSS-1402f)

Substitute Figure 1.
Anatomy of the Skin*
most important function of the skin is to be a protective barrier against the
outside environment. The skin also prevents fluid loss and helps regulate body
temperature. Skin is composed of three layers: the epidermis, dermis, and
subcutaneous tissue (see figure 1).
Epidermis - the outermost layer, is made up entirely
of epithelial cells with no blood vessels.
Dermis - a framework of connective tissues containing
blood vessels, nerve endings, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands.
Subcutaneous Tissue - is a combination of elastic and
fibrous tissue as well as fat deposits.
Burn injuries have many causes on
and off the battlefield. Burns are generated by exposure to extreme heat, a
biologic reaction from chemicals, or energy transfer through cells from
electrocution or radiation. Many weapons and munitions cause burn injuries.
Some, such as incendiary and flame munitions, are designed to cause high heat
and burning. Others, such as high explosives, bombs, and mines cause burns
secondarily to their primary effect.

Substitute Figure 2.
White Phosporus Burns* |
Thermal - thermal burns are the most common type of
burn on the modern battlefield. They can result from exposure to
flame weapons, incendiary weapons, munitions or from explosions from fuel
sources (gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel). These weapons are designed to burn at
very high temperatures and incorporate napalm, thermite, magnesium, and white
- The primary effect of incendiary and flame munitions against
personnel are to cause severe burns.
Burns to the airway are also possible, particularly if the casualty is in an
enclosed space (bunker, ship compartment, or armored vehicle). Airway burns may
result in rapid, life-threatening swelling and obstruction of the upper airway.
Monitor the casualty for the following signs and symptoms:
Oropharyngeal swelling
Difficulty swallowing
Carbonaceous sputum (blackened sputum)
- Singed nasal or facial hair

Substitute Figure 3.
Electrical burn* |
Burns - electrical injuries are devastating injuries that can easily be
underappreciated. In many cases the extent of tissue damage does not accurately
reflect the magnitude of the injury (see figure 3). Tissue destruction and
necrosis are excessive compared with the apparent trauma because most of the
destruction occurs internally as the electricity is conducted through the
casualty. The casualty will have external burns at the points of contact with
the electrical source as well as grounding point. As the electricity courses
through the casualty’s body, deep layers of tissue are destroyed despite
seemingly minor injuries on the surface. Electrical and crush injuries share
many similarities. In both injuries there is massive destruction of large
muscle groups with resultant release of both potassium and myoglobin. The
release of potassium from large muscles causes a significant increase in the
serum level, which often results in cardiac arrhythmias. All electrical burns
are considered a cardiac emergency and the casualty should be CASEVAC’ed to a
higher echelon of care. Also, when myoglobin is released into the bloodstream
in consderable amounts, it can be toxic to the kidneys and can cause kidney
failure. Other signs and symtoms include:
- Tympanic
membranes may rupture causing hearing loss.
- Intense muscle contractions (tetany) can result in
fractures at multiple levels of the spine. Casualties with electrical injuries
should have their spine immobilized.
- Intercranial bleeds and long bone fractures may also occur.

Figure 4.
Circumferential burn
requiring escharotomy*
Burns - a circumferential burn is a burn that
encircles the trunk of the body (chest) or an extremity (arm or leg) (see figure
4). Circumferential burns are capable of producing a life or limb threatening
condition. They can create a tourniquet-like effect that can render an arm or
leg pulse-less. Circumferential burns of the chest can constrict the chest wall
to such a degree that the casualty suffocates from inability to breath.
Therefore, all circumferential burns should be handled as an emergency and
casualties CASEVAC’ed immediately. Escharotomies are surgical incisions made
through the burn eschar to allow expansion of the deeper tissue and
decompression of previously compressed and often occluded vascular structures.
Radiation Burns - burns associated with nuclear
blasts. Radiation is a hazardous material. The initial priorities are to
remove the casualty from the source of contamination, remove contaminated
clothing, and irrigate the casualty with water.
- Skin
that is exposed to an explosion is burned by the infrared rays emitted at
Clothing or shelter can offer some protection.
Secondary injuries will include first and second degree burns.
- The
majority of burns are caused by contact with the secondary sources that ignited
such as buildings and clothing.
- If the doses of ionizing radiation
are high enough to cause burns to the skin, systemic effects may overshadow the
burn itself.
- injuries from chemicals are often the result of prolonged exposure to the
offending agent. This is contrasted with thermal injuries, where the duration
of exposure is usually very brief. You may encounter casualties who have
suffered chemical burns caused by weapons, chemicals used to fuel or maintain
equipment, or chemical spills following damage to civilian installations. The
severity of a chemical injury is determined by four factors: nature of the
chemical, concentration of the chemical, duration of contact, and MOI of the
chemical. Chemical agents are classified as:

Acid burn |
chemicals with a pH between 7 (neutral) and 0 (strong).
- Found in cleaners and swimming
pool acidifiers.
Bases (alkali):
chemical with a pH between 7 and 14.
- found in fertilizer, industrial cleaners, the structual bonds
of cement/concrete, and the most common cause of alkali burns in garrison are
the batteries used in our radios.
- Alkali burns
are usually more serious than acid burns, because alkalis penetrate deeper and
burn longer.
Contains carbon.
Phenols, creosote and petroleum products such as gasoline.
The severity of a burn is
determined by the depth of the burn and the extent of the total body surface
area (TBSA) burned.
The severity of all burns will
vary depending on the source of the burn, duration of exposure, and location of
the burn.
Depth: The depth of the burn is related to how deeply
the skin is damaged (see figure 5). Estimation of burn depth can be deceptively
difficult. Often, a burn that appears to be a partial-thickness burn (second
degree) will prove to be third degree burn in 24 to 48 hours. Therefore it is
often wise to withhold final judgment of burn depth for up to 48 hours after

1st Degree |

2nd Degree |

3rd Degree |
Substitute Figure 5. Depth
of Burns*
Burn / First-Degree Burn -
first-degree burns involve only the epidermis and are characterized as being red
and painful. These wounds heal typically within a week and the
casualty will not scar.
& Symptoms:
- Dry,
red and inflamed skin
Painful to touch
- The
burned area blanches with pressure
Minimal swelling (if present)
Thickness Burns / Second-Degree Burn - burns that involve the epidermis and varying portions of the underlying
dermis. Second-degree burns will appear as blisters or as denuded, burned areas
with a glistening or wet
appearing base. These wounds will be painful.
Because remnants of the dermis survive, these burns are often capable of healing in 2 to 3 weeks.
& Symptoms:
- Skin
is moist, with reddened areas
Blisters or open weeping wounds
- Deep,
intense pain
- Edema
will be moderate
- Fluid
loss may be significant depending on the extent of the burn
Full Thickness Burn /
Third-Degree Burn -
third-degree burns involve all three layers of skin and may have several
appearances. Most casualties will have pain because areas of
third-degree burn are usually surrounded by second-degree burns.
Signs & Symptoms:
- Skin has a dry, leathery appearance
The skin can range in color from white, yellow, cherry red, brown, or charred.
- Severe pain around periphery of burn, but little to no pain
near center of burn.
- No capillary
refill at affected area
/ Complete Burn - fourth-degree burns are those
that not only burn all layers of the skin, but also burn underlying fat,
muscles, bone, or internal organs.
of burn size is necessary to begin to resuscitate the casualty appropriately and
prevent the complications associated with hypovolemic shock. The most widely
applied method is known as the “Rule of Nines.”
Rule of Nines: This method applies the
principles that major regions of the body in adults are considered to be 9% of
the total body surface area (TBSA) (see figure 10). The genital area and palms
of the hand (not including the digits) represent 1%.
Substitute Figure 10. Rule
of Nines*
Front of head is 4.5% and back of head is 4.5% for a total of 9%
Front of arm is 4.5% and back of arm is 4.5% for a total of 9% |
Rule of Palms: This method assumes that the palm
size of the patient represents approximately 1% of the TBSA. TBSA is estimated
by counting the number of the patient’s “palms” it takes to completely
cover the burn area. The Rule of Palms is helpful for estimating the TBSA of
small or irregular shaped burns and small children.
Administration of large amounts of IV fluids is needed to prevent a burn
casualty from going into hypovolemic shock. After a burn, the casualty loses a
substantial amount of intravascular fluid from the edema which results as well
as the evaporative losses at the site of the burn. Massive fluid shifts will
occur and evaporative losses can be enormous.
The resuscitation of burn shock is
aimed at not only restoring the lost volume but also replacement of anticipated
losses. When treating a burn casualty, the objective is to calculate and
replace the fluids that it is anticipated the casualty will lose over the first
24 hours after the burn injury.
use of LR solution is the best way to initially manage a burn casualty. The
most frequently used formula for calculating fluid replacement is the “Parkland
formula.” The Parkland formula delivers 4 ml/kg/% TBSA burned. Half
this fluid will be administered in the first 8 hours after injury and the
remaining half of the volume over the next 16 hours. It is important to
remember the first half is administered with 8 hours from the time the casualty
was injured, not from the point the provider started to resuscitate the
casualty. This is especially important in the tactical situation where
there may be an initial delay in treatment. If the casualty presents for
emergency care 3 hours after the injury with no or little fluids administered,
the first half of the calculated total needs to be administered over 5 hours.
For example:
kg casualty has sustained partial thickness burns to his anterior
chest (9%) and abdomen (9%), entire right arm (9%), and anterior right leg (9%).
The injury occurred 30 minutes ago.

In this case, the casualty who weighs 76 kg has sustained burns
over 36% of his body. So, doing the math:
4 X 76 = 304; 304 X 36 = 10,944 mL (which can be rounded up to
11 liters).
Remember, half of this total should be administered in the first
8 hours following the burn, so, the casualty will need 5 ˝ liters in the first 8
hours. Keep in mind, the injury occurred 30 minutes ago, so the entire 5 ˝
liters should be administered over a period of 7 ˝ hours.
The remainder is administered over the remaining 16 hours:
5,500 mL divided by 16 (time remaining in one day) equals 343 ml
per hour for the next 16 hours.
you may not be completely responsible for the care of severely burned patients
for 24 hours, this example illustrates the need for burn patients to receive
quick attention and prompt evacuation to definitive care.
American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma developed a list of burn
injuries that are considered critical regardless of depth or TBSA affected.
Treatment in a specialized burn unit will improve the chances of survival and
reduce complications or disabilities for casualties with any of the following
Inhalation injuries.
Partial-thickness burns over greater than 10% of the TBSA.
Full thickness burns in any age group.
Any burn involving the face, hands, feet, genitalia, perineum, or major joints.
Electrical burns, including lightning injury.
Chemical burns.
- All burns complicated by injuries
of the respiratory tract, other soft tissue injuries, and musculoskeletal
The initial step in the care of a
burn casualty is to stop the burning process. The most effective and
appropriate method of terminating the burning is irrigation with large volumes
of room-temperature water. In the tactical environment however, access to large
volumes of water is not always practical. You can also smother any flames with
a jacket, blanket, or any other available material. Rolling the casualty on the
ground is also effective. Remove all clothing and jewelry; these items retain
residual heat and will continue to burn the casualty. However, DO NOT pull away
clothing that is stuck to the wound.
- the heat from the fire can cause edema of the airway above the level of
the vocal cords and can occlude the airway, so be prepared for a possible
surgical airway. Careful and continuous evaluation of the airway is required.
O2 should be given, if available.
- as with any trauma casualty, breathing can be adversely affected by such
problems as broken ribs, pneumothoraces (collapsed lung), and open chest
wounds. In the event of circumferential chest wall burns, pulmonary compliance
may decrease to such an extent that it inhibits the casualty’s ability to
inhale. In such cases, prompt CASEVAC of casualty to higher level of care in
order to perform escharotomies of the chest wall is critical.
- evaluation of circulation includes the determination of blood pressure,
evaluation of circumferential burns, and establisment of intravenous access.
Accurate measurement of blood pressure becomes difficult or impossible with
burns to the extremities. Blood pressure can be estimated by palpating for
distal pulses. Even if the casualty has adequate blood pressure, distal limb
perfusion may be critically reduced because of circumferential injuries. Burned
extremities should be elevated, when tactically prudent, during transport to
reduce the degree of swelling in the affected limb.
Two large-caliber IV catheters are
required for burns that cover more than 20% of the TBSA. Ideally, the IV should
not be placed through or adjacent to burned tissue; however, placement through
the burn is appropriate if no alternative sites are available or consider the intraosseous
(IO) route.
Detailed Assessment
- perform your assessment, keeping in mind that burns themselves are not
immediately fatal and can wait until other priorities are addressed. Therefore,
assess for additional injuries, such as associated blast, missile or fragment
wounds and treat appropriately.
- burn casualties are not able to retain body heat and are extremely
susceptible to hypothermia. Make every effort to preserve body temperature.
Apply several layers of blankets. Keep passenger compartment of the CASEVAC
vehicle or fuselage of the aircraft warm, regardless of the time of year. As a
general rule, if you as the provider treating the burn casualty are not
uncomforable, the ambient temperature is not warm enough.
Estimate the Depth and Extent of
the Burn - use the “Rule of Nines” or the “Rule of
Palms” noted above.
Dressing the burn
- before CASEVAC, the wounds should be dressed. The goal of the dressing is to
prevent ongoing contamination and prevent airflow over the wounds. Water-jel
dressings, if available, are preferred as they help to cool the burn. If not,
dry sterile dressings covering the entire burn are sufficient before CASEVAC of
the casualty. Several layers of blankets are then placed over the casualty to
prevent hypothermia.
to the Eyes
and Symptoms:
- Blurry
- Vision
- Pain
- Conjunctival erythema
Thermal burn - irrigate with large amounts of water.
Chemical burn:
Acids - irrigate for 5 - 10 minutes
- Alkalis - irrigate for 20 minutes
- Cover eyes with a dry sterile
dressing. In a tactical situation, if the patient can partially see out of the
affected eye and can otherwise ambulate, defer dressing the eye. Avoid dressing
both eyes if only one eye is injured.
evacuation is delayed
- Clean
the burn area with diluted (1:10) betadine solution and then rinse with saline.
- Remove
loose nonviable tissue during cleaning process (this is very painful, especially
at the periphery of the burn so pain management should be considered).
- Apply
Silvadene (or other bacteriostatic ointment) and cover with dry, loose, sterile
dressing, if available
- Gently
clean and reapply Silvadene and a fresh dressing every 24 hours.
management should be provided to burn victims and small doses of narcotics
should be titrated intravenously (see the medication appendix at the end of
Block 2 for more information regarding pain medications). Vital signs and
respiratory effort are monitored for potential adverse effects. (Note: The use
of narcotics is contraindicated in head and spinal trauma.) Water immersion may
be applied for 10-15 minutes for pain relief, however, caution should be used as
it may intensify shock.
Care Under Fire Phase: Unless casualty also has life-threatening
hemorrhage along with a burn, there is no care given for burns in this
Tactical Field Care Phase: During
this phase, you will be required to inspect the burned area. A burn can
cause significant problems with the airway. If a casualty’s airway is
jeopardized, securing an airway is vital before edema sets in. Consider a
surgical airway, if needed. Complete a head to toe assessment using
DCAP-BTLS noting and treating additional injuries. Determine if vascular
access is required (see Combat Fluid Resuscitation lesson) and give fluids
if necessary. If the casualty is able to drink fluids, they should be
encouraged to do so. Consider pain medications and give antibiotics if
warranted. Reassess all care provided. Document care given, prevent
hypothermia, and CASEVAC. |
Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support, Military Edition, 6th Ed, Chapter
REV: July 2008
Burns Review
Identify three characteristics of a second degree burn.
Using the Rule of Nines, estimate the body surface
area affected for a patient with burns to the upper and lower back.
Using the Rule of Nines estimate the body surface
are affected for a patient with burns to the chest, abdomen and right front arm.
Describe the approproate treatment for burns, assuming no delay in casulty