Operational Medicine Medical Education and Training

FMST Student Manual - 2008 Web Edition*


Field Medical Training Battalion
Camp Lejeune

 FMST Block 4 Review Questions

NOTE: The following questions are offered for review purposes.  This is NOT intended as a sole source of test preparation.  Remember all test questions are based on an ELO and any ELO can be used to create a test question.

1.      What is combat stress? 

2.      What are the characteristics and examples of the Crotalidae family of snakes? 

3.      What is the mission of the aid station? 

4.      What are the six most commonly used methods of evacuation? 

5.      What are the four categories of tactical triage? 

6.      On the nine-line CASEVAC request, what information is on line six? 

7.      What is the definition of urban warfare (MOUT)? 

8.      What are the characteristics and examples of the Elapidae family of snakes? 

9.      What are the four types of waste? 

10.  Who are the two medical officers in a large aid station? 

11.  What pre-deployment steps can be taken to prevent combat stress? 

12.  What are some of the potential health threats of MOUT? 

13.  What is the total time needed to disinfect a canteen using iodine tablets? 

14.  What are the five categories of blast effects? 

15.  What are the BAS responsibilities in the field/combat? 

16.  What factors decrease the risk of combat stress? 

17.  What are the characteristics and examples of the Colubridae family of snakes? 

18.  First aid and emergency care is the primary objective of which echelon of care? 

19.  What is the primary device for human waste disposal in the field? 

20.  What are the four sources of water? 

21.  When treating snake bites, what are the common DON'Ts?   

22.  Restorative and rehabilitative care is the primary objective of which echelon of care? 

23.  Why are military blast casualties less likely to suffer injuries to the upper torso and head? 

24.  What are the responsibilities of the aid station while in garrison? 

25.  What causes anaphylactic shock? 

26.  What does the acronym BICEPS stand for? 

27.  What steps can be taken during deployment to prevent combat stress? 

28.  What type of bee/wasp can only sting once and why? 

29.  What is the most common form of injury in a terrorist bombing? 

30.  When dealing with blast injuries, how can the absence of ruptured tympanic membranes help rule out other injuries? 

31.  What are the six commonly used litters within the FMF? 

32.  What are the five CASEVAC categories? 

33.  What are the five basic sections of the BAS? 

34.  What are the two types of blast waves? 

35.  What are the special requirements of casualty evacuation in MOUT? 

36.  What are the methods of water disinfection? 

37.  What are the routine patient assessment procedures (sick call)? 

38.  What are the characteristics of the Hydrophidae family of snakes? 

39.  What personal factors increase the risk of combat stress? 

40.  When dealing with blast injuries, what is the most commonly affected body area? 

41.  What are the signs and symptoms of Black Widow spider bites? 

42.  Why are cat holes immediately covered after use?


*The FMST Student Manual was produced by the Field Medical Training Battalion-East, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. This 2008 web edition has been enhanced by the Brookside Associates, Ltd., preserving all of the original text material, while augmenting, modifying, eliminating or replacing some of the graphics to comply with privacy and copyright laws, and to enhance the training value. These enhancements are marked with a red box  and are C. 2008, with all rights reserved.


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