Operational Medicine Medical Education and Training

Treat Facial Injuries

This video was produced by the US Army in 1996 to help instruct medics and other first responders who deal with facial injuries.

The video has been digitalized by the Brookside Associates and contains all the original material.

The video may be freely downloaded.
Free Video Runtime 21 Min
15.5 MB wmv
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First Aid for Facial Injury

"Facial injuries can be very serious.

Not only are the sense organs, the eyes, ears, nose and mouth located there, but the nasal and oral passages are also essential for respiration.

In addition, the facial area is very vascular and can bleed heavily if injured, requiring prompt and careful assessment and treatment.

Finally, but no less important to the patient are the possible cosmetic effects of serious injuries.

This program will discuss treatment of various facial injuries, to include injuries of the nose, mouth, ears, jaw and facial bones."



Department of the Army
Health Sciences Media Dep[artment
Fort Sam Houston, TX

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